by Blaze Global
Empowering Youth & Adults to Go the Distance
Transforming Micro-Actions & Caring Relationships into
Stronger Self-Regulation, Critical Thinking & Authenticity
What is Miles?
Miles promotes positive growth, authenticity, and creative expression.
As a responsive web app accessible on any device, Miles helps youth and caring adults track their moods and complete trails consisting of small steps or microactions to promote personal growth and well-being.
Miles serves as a conduit of open and honest communication between caring adults and youth, enabling them to share their thoughts and feelings in a safe and private space.
Adult leaders can assign trails to youth or create their own trails, providing opportunities for youth to work on specific areas of growth.
Youth can also create their own trails and invite their adults leaders and peers to participate in the journey.

How It All Started
Miles was struggling with school and behavioral issues, and Justin knew he needed to step up as a father. By creating a simple system of microactions that Miles could choose from, they were able to bond over shared activities and experiences, leading to a deeper connection that transformed their relationship. This journey led to Miles’ academic success and a deeper love of learning, and Justin learned that great parenting is all about the little things we do together.

More About Miles
What are we impacting?
The social, emotional and cognitive development & well-being of young people and and adults who guide them.
Examples include:
- Critical Thinking
- Executive Function
- Self-Regulation
- Social-Awareness
- Relationship Skills
Who are we impacting
Adolescents (8-18 yrs old) & Caring Adults
Where does it work?
Miles is designed as a single continuum across all of a young person’s environments:
- Home
- School
- Community
- Health
- Faith
What makes Miles special?
Micro-Actions & Reflections
Miles simplifies life skills into small, easy action steps.
Caring Adults as Guides & Participants
Miles connects young people and caring adults on a shared, purpose-driven journey.
Adaptation to Any Local Environment
Miles provides an opportunity for young people and adult leaders to create & share real-time solutions to real-life problems.
Continuum of Positive Identity Analytics
With the youth at the center, Miles becomes a consistent and trustworthy companion of personal growth & caring relationships that spans both time and place.
Activation of All Evidence-Based Programs
Miles can simplify, activate, track & analyze existing evidence-based program that are proven to positively impact the lives of adolescents.
Miles Is Rooted In Evidence-Based Research
The research is in:
Young people need more a more meaninful education.
Universally declared across each major branch of science – natural, social and formal – it has become indesputable that young people require a more dynamic, whole-human approach to their educational experience.
Harvard, CASEL, OECD and Allstate are just a few of the more notable organizations invested in the social and emotional development of our youth.

"The combination of supportive relationships, adaptive skill-building, and positive experiences is the foundation of resilience."

ALLSTATE Foundation
"Social emotional competence is a greater predictor of lifelong success than academic grades. In fact, students who score high on social skills are four times more likely to complete college."

"Decades of research have demonstrated the effectiveness of SEL for supporting students’ academics, behaviors, mental health, and long-term success."

"Education is no longer just about teaching students something but about helping them develop a reliable compass and the tools to navigate with confidence through this world."
Miles is Simple & Efficient
Only a 7 minute routine per day